$20 a month

Hacking with Swift+

282 ratings

Hacking with Swift+

282 ratings

The ultimate investment for your Swift programming career!

Hacking with Swift+ is a subscription service that delivers incredible, hands-on Swift tutorials as both video and article, so you can deepen your understanding of Swift, SwiftUI, and more, and take your career to the next level.

4K Video: All articles come with 4K Ultra HD video showing the techniques, with live commentary from me so you can understand exactly how something works.

Article + Code: All articles also come as a text-based page so you can read if you prefer, plus copy and paste any code you want to try – learn whichever way works best for you.

Exclusive content: All HWS+ articles are available only for subscribers, on topics such as advanced Swift, building custom SwiftUI components, high-performance app development, and more.

One price: For just $20 a month you get all the videos, articles, and code, including all articles published before you joined. You can also select a yearly subscription and get 12 months for the price of 10, or select a 2-year subscription to get immediate access to the Swift Career Accelerator and Hacking with Swift reading library alongside your subscription.

How it works

HWS+ provides exclusive, advanced tutorials to help take your skills further, faster. A huge range of topics are already covered, with more tutorials being added regularly – always as both article text and 4K Ultra HD video, so you can learn whichever way suits you best.

Courses available include…

  • The Ultimate Portfolio App walks you through the process of building one app that implements best practices for architecture, accessibility, testing, documentation, and more, while also working across iOS, macOS, tvOS, and even watchOS.
  • Advanced Swift focuses on improving your core Swift language skills, regardless of whether you use UIKit, SwiftUI, or something else.
  • Algorithms helps you understand common algorithms in computer science, all implemented and explained step by step in Swift.
  • Custom SwiftUI Components walks you through building a wide variety of reusable UI components using SwiftUI.
  • Data Structures teaches you how to build stacks, lists, trees and more, while working with a variety of common Swift protocols.
  • High-performance Apps teaches you techniques for writing faster code, rendering faster views, and more, so you can make best use of your user's device.
  • Intermediate Swift is designed to help push your skills further, giving in-depth explanations for generics, optionals, assertions, and more.
  • Intermediate SwiftUI is packed with tips and tricks to help you write better SwiftUI code, including customizing common controls with styles, handling size classes better, and working with dynamic properties.
  • Inside Swift walks you through interesting techniques from Swift's own source code, and how we can apply them to our own code.
  • Making the most of Foundation goes back to the basics of Apple's Foundation framework, exploring how best to use common code such as UserDefaults and Measurement.
  • Networking covers a core topic in a fresh way, showing you smart ways to make your code simpler and safer using generics, Combine, and more.
  • Remaking Apps walks you through building copies of well-known apps from iOS using SwiftUI, showing you how easy it is to get powerful effects with very little code.
  • Rendering Charts in SwiftUI shows you how SwiftUI can be used to build complete types of charts from scratch, including pie charts, bar charts, and more.
  • SwiftUI Special Effects will teach you how to add some surprise and delight to your user interface using particles, Core Motion, and more.
  • Working with Data helps you get to grips with data input, such as creating a custom XML parser, or handling complex or messy JSON.

And more courses are on the way: debugging, networking, and of course lots more SwiftUI – I have an epic collection of tutorials coming, and I can’t wait to share them all with you.


Is there a free trial for this subscription?

There certainly is! Visit the Hacking with Swift+ homepage and create a free account – you'll immediately see a Free Trial button option, which gives you three days free.

Does this give me all your books?

The articles produced for Hacking with Swift+ are all new and exclusive to subscribers. However, after 18 months of subscribing to Hacking with Swift+ you'll automatically gain access to the Hacking with Swift reading library where you can read my books online for free – Pro SwiftUI, Pro SwiftUI, Swift Design Patterns, and many more.

If you want to get Hacking with Swift+ and my books all at once, you should take out a two-year subscription – that immediately puts you over the 18-month mark, so you get the world's biggest Swift training library all at once.

What's the difference between Monthly and Yearly subscriptions?

Hacking with Swift+ is $20 per month, and you can cancel whenever you want. If you intend to work through many articles and really push your learning forward, you should consider the yearly subscription option, which is $200 for 12 months – a saving of $40.

Both tiers get access to exactly the same high-quality videos, articles, and source code. The only difference is that with the Yearly tier you save $40 every year, making it better value for money.

Why should I take out an Every 2 Years subscription?

It costs $200 for a one-year subscription, and $400 for a two-year subscription, so you might wonder why you should subscribe for two years rather than one. The reason is simple: after 18 months of subscribing, you gain access to the Swift Career Accelerator, which combines tutorials from across my work with all-new hands-on workshops to help take you further, faster.

You also gain access to the Hacking with Swift reading library, which lets you read books like Pro Swift, Pro SwiftUI, Swift Design Patterns, and more, all for free through your Hacking with Swift+ subscription.

So, when you take out a two-year subscription, not only do you get immediate access to all the existing Hacking with Swift+ content (plus live streams, ad-free browsing, the subscriber-only forum, and more), but you also get free access to the Swift Career Accelerator and over a dozen of my books straight away, rather than waiting until you reach 18 months!

Will the subscription renew automatically?

Yes, your Hacking with Swift+ subscription will renew automatically until you cancel it. You can cancel your subscription at any time through your Gumroad account.

How much content is there?

Right now you get over 300 articles and videos plus all the accompanying source code. This is growing quickly as new tutorials are written and recorded. All tutorials always come as both text and 4K Ultra HD video, so you can learn in whichever way is easiest for you.

What other benefits are there?

As a Hacking with Swift+ subscriber, you get:

  • All the tutorials as both video and text
  • A free ticket to my Unwrap Live event every year
  • Access to my monthly app-building live streams
  • Access to my online reading library after 18 months
  • No adverts on hackingwithswift.com
  • Access to an exclusive Hacking with Swift+ forum
  • A 20% discount on all books and bundles year round

It's just incredible value for money, and makes Hacking with Swift+ the ultimate investment in your Swift programming career!

Which books are included in the Hacking with Swift reading library?

Right now the list is:

  • Advanced iOS: Volume One
  • Advanced iOS: Volume Two
  • Advanced iOS: Volume Three
  • Beyond Code
  • Hacking with iOS
  • Hacking with macOS
  • Hacking with tvOS
  • Hacking with watchOS
  • Objective-C for Swift Developers
  • Pro Swift
  • Pro SwiftUI
  • Server-Side Swift
  • Swift Coding Challenges
  • Swift Design Patterns
  • Swift on Sundays: Volume One
  • Testing Swift

More may be added in the future.

Why do I need a Hacking with Swift account?

Your Hacking with Swift account links your Gumroad purchase to this site, so we can unlock your subscription. This account also allows you to post to the forums if you want to.

Can I switch from a Monthly to Yearly subscription?

Yes, you can switch whenever you want and you will be charged the difference between your remaining monthly term and a full annual term. Don't take out a new subscription – visit your Gumroad library and adjust your existing subscription. The same applies for switching from monthly to 2-yearly, and from 1-year to 2-year subscriptions; it's a pro rata upgrade.

How can I cancel my subscription?

If at any point you want to cancel your Hacking with Swift+ subscription, you can do so directly through your Gumroad account. Your access to the subscriber-only content will remain active until your subscription term ends, at which point it will cease.

If you intend to cancel, please sure you do so at least 24 hours before your subscription ends, to avoid being caught out by time zones.

Will you still make free tutorials?

Yes, absolutely! I believe it's important to help everyone learn, so I will still be publishing as many free tutorials as I can. This won't be affected by Hacking with Swift+.

Watch link provided after purchase

You'll get…

Ultimate Portfolio App
Access to all articles
Access to all videos
Complete source code
Tickets to Unwrap Live
Copy product URL
30-day money back guarantee


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