
Hacking with iOS

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Hacking with iOS

363 ratings


Jump start your Swift learning: get the complete Hacking with iOS series as downloadable e-books. That's 19 SwiftUI projects and 39 UIKit projects, spread over 2000 pages of tutorials and example code, plus exclusive bonus content!

Your download includes PDF, ePub (for iBooks), and HTML so you can read however you want – and they are all DRM-free. You also get the complete project source code for all apps, and a warm feeling knowing that you're supporting my work. And did I mention the bonus content?

All purchases go towards funding new tutorials, and I'm hugely grateful for your support.

Before you ask: yes, all the SwiftUI projects are fully updated for iOS 17 and Swift 5.10.

Every project, yours forever

This pack contains 19 SwiftUI projects plus a further 39 UIKit projects – it's the ultimate guide to learning Swift, and is guaranteed to help jumpstart your iOS career.

Includes exclusive content!

When you buy Hacking with iOS you get the complete book and lots more:

  • Accelerate your Swift learning with my Quick Swift Tips wall chart: 20 rapid fire code snippets that demonstrate useful Swift techniques you can use immediately. 
  • Get the 90-page Hacking with iOS guide book, which includes revision notes, code review, and challenges at milestones throughout the book.
  • Watch my Xcode Tips and Tricks video, where I walk you through my favorite Xcode commands and shortcuts live on-screen.

Get updates now and in the future

Not only does your purchase give you the SwiftUI and UIKit editions of the book, but you also get lifetime Swift updates for the life of your purchase – lock in learning for years to come.

What readers say

  • "Hacking with Swift is where I started learning, with no prior knowledge or experience with Swift. Each lesson introduces you to new concepts and aspects of Swift, and does so in a way that means you learn by doing – it's a great place to start!" – Daniel Robertson
  • "Hacking with Swift is a fun way to get into Swift. Nice projects, useful coding techniques, comfortable pace. Give it a try!" – Michel Kahan
  • "When I'm stuck on how to solve a problem Hacking with Swift is the first place I look - it's the best swift resource available." – Richard Lowe
  • "Paul's teaching methodology of learning on a need-to-know basis worked best for me. If you are dedicated then Hacking with Swift is the best place for learning Swift." – Yasin Ahmed
  • "Hacking with Swift is one of the best and easiest training courses. With the course you can start from complete zero, and starting make your own apps as you always dreamed." – Alexander Deplov
  • "Really great tutorial! Learning by example and a hands-on approach is more natural and really beneficial." – Prince Tendai

What's in the book

You get 19 SwiftUI projects plus the original 39 classic projects, and 600 answers from my Swift Knowledge Base. Along with a comprehensive introduction to the Swift language you get projects such as:

  • Storm Viewer: Get started coding in Swift by making an image viewer app and learning key concepts.
  • Guess the Flag: Make a game using UIKit, and learn about integers, buttons, colors and actions.
  • Social Media: Let users share to Facebook and Twitter by modifying project 1.
  • Easy Browser: Embed Web Kit and learn about delegation, KVO, classes and UIToolbar.
  • Word Scramble: Create an anagram game while learning about closures and booleans.
  • Auto Layout: Get to grips with Auto Layout using practical examples and code.
  • Whitehouse Petitions: Make an app to parse Whitehouse petitions using JSON and a tab bar.
  • 7 Swifty Words: Build a word-guessing game and master strings once and for all.
  • Grand Central Dispatch: Learn how to run complex tasks in the background with GCD.
  • Names to Faces: Get started with UICollectionView and the photo library.
  • Pachinko: Dive into SpriteKit to try your hand at fast 2D games.
  • UserDefaults: Learn how to save user settings and data for later use.
  • Instafilter: Make a photo manipulation program using Core Image filters and a UISlider.
  • Whack-a-Penguin: Build a game using SKCropNode and a sprinkling of Grand Central Dispatch.
  • Animation: Bring your interfaces to life with animation, and meet switch/case at the same time.
  • JavaScript Injection: Extend Safari with a cool feature for JavaScript developers.
  • Swifty Ninja: Learn to draw shapes in SpriteKit while making a fun and tense slicing game.
  • Debugging: Everyone hits problems sooner or later, so learning to find and fix them is an important skill.
  • Capital Cities: Teach users about geography while you learn about MKMapView and annotations.
  • Fireworks Night: Learn about timers and color blends while making things go bang!
  • Local Notifications: Send reminders, prompts and alerts even when your app isn't running.
  • Detect-a-Beacon: Learn to find and range iBeacons using our first project for a physical device.
  • Space Race: Dodge space debris while you learn about per-pixel collision detection.
  • Swift Strings: Learn what makes strings special in Swift, and how to add formatting using attributed strings.
  • Selfie Share: Make a multipeer photo sharing app in just 150 lines of code.
  • Marble Maze: Respond to device tilting by steering a ball around a vortex maze.
  • Core Graphics: Draw 2D shapes using Apple's high-speed drawing framework.
  • Secret Swift: Save user data securely using the device keychain and Touch ID.
  • Exploding Monkeys: Remake a classic DOS game and learn about destructible terrain and scene transitions.
  • Instruments: Become a bug detective and track down lost memory, slow drawing and more.
  • Multibrowser: Get started with UIStackView and see just how easy iPad multitasking is.
  • SwiftSearcher: Add your app's content to iOS's Spotlight search and take advantage of the new Safari integration.
  • What's that Whistle?: Build a crowd-sourced song recognition app using Apple's free platform as a service. CloudKit.
  • Four in a Row: Let iOS take over the AI in your games using GameplayKit.
  • Generating random numbers: Let GameplayKit help you generate random numbers in ways you soon won't be able to live without.
  • Crashy Plane: Ever wanted to make a Flappy Bird clone? Now you can do it in under an hour thanks to SpriteKit.
  • Psychic Tester: Are you psychic? Of course not. But what if we could use our coding skills to make a game to fool your friends into thinking otherwise?
  • GitHub Commits: Get on board with Core Data and learn to read, write and query objects using Apple's object graph and persistence framework. 
  • Unit testing with XCTest: Learn how to write unit tests and user interface tests using Xcode's built-in testing framework.

Download a free sample!

You can download the complete table of contents for this book here, or a 24-page sample PDF here.

The Hacking with Swift guarantee

We want everyone to be happy with all the Hacking with Swift courses they buy, both now and in the future, which is why all our books come with free lifetime Swift updates and free bonus content with our Frequent Flyer Club, and we also encourage folks to join our Slack community to help solve problems.

However, if you aren't happy with a course you bought from us, we offer a 30-day No Questions Asked refund policy. This applies to all books and video courses purchased through Gumroad, which is our primary distributor. So, if you aren't happy with your purchase, if you changed your mind, or if you just bought the wrong thing by accident, we can refund your purchase up to 30 days after it was made.

Any other questions?

You can email me at paul@hackingwithswift.com or tweet me @twostraws, and I'll do my best to help.

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You'll get all SwiftUI and UIKit projects, plus 600 solutions from the Swift Knowledge Base. You'll also get every project as PDF. ePub, and HTML for you to use, plus exclusive bonus content: a Swift Quick Tips printable wall chart, a 90-page guide book, and an Xcode Tips and Tricks video.

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